Backlist Books Challenge


I don’t think I need to mention how much I’ve neglected this little book blog of mine so I’ll just move on. I started a book challenge waaayyy back in January and I’m only just getting round to posting about. In fact, I’m so behind I haven’t even updated my progress on the site itself. But that’s all changing now!

At the start of the year, Bekka from Pretty Deadly Reviews (who I’ve been following since my very early blog days back in 2014) started The Backlist Book Challenge. Basically, the challenge is to read as many backlist books as possible – backlist being any book published a year before the date you read it. I mainly signed up to do this to help me motivate myself to get through that still growing TBR pile (it is currently sitting at 224 books…).

You’re supposed to the round-ups of what you’ve read monthly but I’ll just do a half way point round-up for now. So, since the start of the year, I have read (and reviewed):

I have read more backlist books this year but I still have to review them! But if you want to sign up and join the challenge, you can do so here:

On a little side note – today is my birthday! I’ll be celebrating my birthday at Barn on the Farm festival this weekend (you can catch some previews I did on my other blog Mytacism Music).