Allegiant – Veronica Roth

AllegiantTitle: Allegiant

Author: Veronica Roth

Publisher: Harper Collins Children’s

Re-release Date: December 31st 2015

Rating: 5 stars

“The faction-based society that Tris Prior once believed in is shattered – fractured by violence and power struggles and scarred by loss and betrayal. So when offered a chance to explore the world past the limits she’s known, Tris is ready. Perhaps beyond the fence, she and Tobias will find a simple new life together, free from complicated lies, tangled loyalties, and painful memories.

But Tris’s new reality is even more alarming than the one she left behind. Old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless. Explosive new truths change the hearts of those she loves. And once again, Tris must battle to comprehend the complexities of human nature – and of herself – while facing impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice and love.”

(I received a digital copy of this book in return for an honest review)

Read my review of Divergent and Insurgent.

So Allegiant has been given a lot of stick on Goodreads and, whilst I can see some of their points, I still continue to love the final book. In fact, I loved it even more than the first two parts of the series which should be testament to how I feel right now. I think I’m going to organize this review so that all the (awesome) positives come last and you walk away thinking ‘damn I really have to check out the whole series’.

Unfortunately, there were some aspects to Allegiant that I didn’t like. There was a moment in the first part of the book where I got really excited and was tricked into thinking that this was going to  be one of those series finales where every character that was not Tris would be involved and given a large(r) part to the story. There was this fabulous, and I mean fabulous, moment between Zeke and Tobias where their relationship just felt so real and so funny that I was head over heels and wishing with my whole heart that their relationship would be featuring throughout the book. I was wrong. In fact, when the two characters meet again, Zeke doesn’t even feel like a real person, just a piece of cardboard. This may be an exaggeration but OMG I was so disappointed.

“Is this Prior?”

“In the flesh.”

“Why’s he bleeding?”

“Because he’s an idiot.”(…)

“I didn’t know that idiocy caused people to just start spontaneously bleeding from the nose.”

And also:

“I’ll miss you.”

“You too, sweetie”

All through Divergent, Tobias and Tris have annoyed me. I have no idea what there is between them that makes them love each other so much. It is still bugging me a week after finishing the series. And again, throughout Allegiant, as it was throughout the other books, there was this whole umming and ahhing where the characters were constantly wondering whether they should break up. YOU ARE GETTING BORING. I have stopped caring about their relationship. In fact, if you put me in either Tobias’s or Tris’s shoes, I would definitely be harboring some sort of deep hatred or at the very least some sort of anger towards the other.

In fact, Tobias himself was just annoying. In the other books he was like this piece of iron that would not be bent. But now? He is so flat and flimsy you could bend him back on himself and he probably wouldn’t even feel it. I get that he was feeling like a ‘rejected’ but ugh, he was such a strong character he can’t fall this far can he? His nickname is FOUR for a reason. Or shall we nickname him ‘pansycake’.

I suppose a fire that burns that bright is not meant to last.

A final annoyance with Allegiant was those two POV’s. They are fully necessary but where was the difference between the two voices? It just wasn’t there. Tobias sounded exactly the same as Tris and it made the whole thing very hard to swallow and keep up with. Maybe the fact that they are effectively the same person what makes them love each other so much? Who knows. But its annoying.

HOWEVER. I loved the ending. Like proper loved. I know you’re not supposed to love endings like this but there is something truly gratifying about having your heart ripped out, you know? And it was just satisfying to see everthing come together the way it did. And all of those annoying ends were tied up in a nice neat bundle. It’s like cleaning your room: a lot of effort to get there but so warming and almost comforting to see everything in its proper place. YES.

I wonder if fears ever really go away, or if they just lose their power over us.

That also brings me onto how much I loved the explanation for everything. Looking back, it was so obvious but, as I’ve said before, I’m a bit of an ignorant reader. But again, Roth has used everything in her power to make this book satisfying. It’s just like the ‘big-cup-of-tea-to-warm-you-up-on-a-chilly-day‘ sort of satisfaction. And there are some obvious faults as this is all fictional but its still clever and imaginative – it’s been fully thought through. It makes reading the two previous books so worthwhile.

Another thing that made me smile more than the Mad-hatter was how this book was, in terms of style, a mix of the first 2 books. In Divergent, you had a lot of slow-paced writing where the plot was only just building up. Then, in Insurgent, there was a complete change of speeds and you ended up with completely fast-paced writing full of action and excitement. Allegiant managed to take the positive aspects of the slow-paced and fast-paced styles and turned it into this perfect tempo that didn’t leave you gasping for breath after every chapter but also didn’t leave you crumbling under the weight of all of that building tension. Top marks for the perfect style, Roth.

I’ll say it one last time: Be brave.

This whole series is something that anyone and everyone has to check out. You have nothing to loose (except for a lot of your water mass through excessive crying at the ending). Just INVEST YOURSELF IN THIS MAGNIFICENT WORK OF FICTION, I IMPLORE YOU.

Insurgent – Veronica Roth

Insurgent - Veronica RothTitle: Insurgent

Author: Veronica Roth

Publisher: Harper Collins Children’s

Re-release Date: December 31st 2015

Rating: 4 stars

“One choice can transform you – or it can destroy you. Tris Prior’s initiation day should have been marked by victorious celebrations with her chosen faction; instead it ended with unspeakable horrors. Now unrest surges in the factions around her as conflict between their ideologies grows.

War seems inevitable; and in times of war sides must be chosen, secrets will emerge and choices will become ever more irrevocable. Tris has already paid a terrible price for survival and is wracked by haunting grief and guilt. But radical new discoveries and shifting relationships mean that she must fully embrace her Divergence – even though she cannot know what might be lost in doing so.”

(I received a digital copy of this book in return for an honest review)

Read my review of Divergent here.

Let’s start off by saying I loved all the action. There were so many twists and turns on this little roller-coaster ride that I nearly fell off. But, by some twist of madness, I managed to keep up with everything going on. It was quite hard though. There were just so many things to keep track of and some things were just mentioned (like when Evelyn and Tobias were talking when tris was supposed to be asleep) that I felt were just said and we were meant to understand straight away? I don’t know if it’s just me being a distracted reader but everything became understandable at the end. I literally had a light bulb moment and felt like I was some sort of Einstein.

Which brings me to my next point. I actually quiet liked Jeanine. Not in the ‘fave character’ sort of way but wow she’s so clever. Her brain is exactly what I want my brain to be like. Just without the condescending way of talking, the complete lack of empathy and just her overall lack of a soul. I basically want to be clever. I also love the fact the the villain is female. Go Roth for standing up against those dastardly female stereotypes in the media (you know the ones that involve women being sexual objects no matter how heroic or, in this case evil, they are).

“People, I have discovered, are layers and layers of secrets. You believe you know them, that you understand them, but their motives are always hidden from you, buried in their own hearts. You will never know them, but sometimes you decide to trust them.”

But Tris was SO indecisive. I felt like she was just taking us round a merry-go-round in her hand and ugh it got boring. I could manage it in the first book but in Insurgent? It’s starting to drag. And her constant guilt over Will makes me want to scream too. It was either Will or her, he wasn’t even him when she shot him so why is this so difficult for her to get past. Even Christine and Cara could deal with it and they were really close to him. I would also appreciate it if someone could tell me why Tris and Four are even together in Insurgent. As far as I could see there was no romance at all. It’s literally like they are attracted to each other and they are therefore willing to get killed for each other. It just doesn’t add up. And I’m STILL struggling to see how the characters are the ages they are. They all seem so much older.

Anyway, despite all my frustrations with my emotions, I really did love the second book. And the plot is, and continues to be, intelligent. I know I said this with Divergent but still, Roth has this magical ability where she can keep everything a surprise until the last moment. Which is especially true for the ending in Insurgent. I can imagine her donning a (well deserved) smirk as everyone reaches the end before realizing that there was the sort of ‘middle of the sentence’ cliffhanger that would have killed me if it wasn’t for the fact I can start the next book straight away.

I just want to finish off by sharing my favourite lil’ bit that, I must admit, made me snort ever so slightly:

“‘Got that gun?’ Peter says to Tobias. ‘No’ says Tobias, ‘I figured I would shoot the bullets out of my nostrils so I left it up stairs.'”

Divergent – Veronica Roth

DivergentTitle: Divergent

Author: Veronica Roth

Publisher: Harper Collins Children’s Books

Re-release Date: December 31st 2015

Rating: 4.5 Stars

“In the world of Divergent, society is divided into five factions – Candor, Abnegation, Dauntless, Amity and Erudite. Every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice Prior, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is. Her choice shocks everyone, including herself.

During the initiation that follows, Tris and her fellow initiates undergo extreme physical tests of endurance and intense psychological simulations, with devastating consequences. As initiation transforms them, Tris must determine who her friends really are – and whether she can trust the man who both threatens and protects her.

Because Tris has a deadly secret. And as growing conflict threatens to unravel their seemingly perfect society, this secret might save those she loves… or it might destroy her.”

(I received a digital copy of this book in return for an honest review)

I was SO excited to get my grubby little hands on the new edition of Veronica Roth’s Divergent trilogy, LOOK at how good those covers are! And I am definitely glad that this one isn’t covered with stills/graphics from the film because that is one of my biggest gripes. But I digress…

Literally everyone I know has either loved the books or loved the film and I haven’t read/seen it. I’ll be honest and say that I was really worried that it wouldn’t live up to the hype but then there’s always hype for a reason right?! Because Divergent is fucking awesome.

“We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.”

Despite the beginning being a bit slow to get moving, there was so much action and different things going on that I just couldn’t help but stay up late and read the whole thing through. And the descriptions were just so vivid that I felt so like Beatrice/Tris that I was worrying about everything for her. Really, she didn’t need to worry about anything because I was over-thinking everything for her. Roth’s amazing descriptions also meant that her new world could only be imagined as she imagined it. Wherever Tris went, I knew exactly what she was seeing, how it made her feel, even what I should be looking behind my back at.

HOWEVER. I did have a problem with the plot progression. I could easily draw out three sections of the book – training, romance, world goes to shit. There was a very slightly blur between the sections but I mean very. And it bugged me. It just made it really hard to move onto the next section of the book. And you could see where the ending was going, it’s almost a given that the world is going to end right? But I did get thrown off on HOW it would end. I’m not sure on if it was just me failing to pick up clues (because they definitely were there) but I was thrown off my feet a little.

“Becoming fearless isn’t the point. That’s impossible. It’s learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it.”

The characters were mostly developed. I say mostly because how the fuck is Four only 18??? I swear I spent half of the first part of the book thinking that he was a 32 year old with a very weird interest in Tris. But as it turns out he is not a 32 year but an 18 year old that is just insanely mature. I also think that there was room for development with Tris too. She spent half the book um-ing and ah-ing about who she was, despite having already made her irreversible decision, and it did start to drag. The last thing I want to say about the characters is that Tris’s mom kicks ass. All I’ll say is that she made my mouth drop at the end of the book. That women slayed.

Despite never being sure on how I felt about dystopian novels, Divergent really made me turn my head. So even if you aren’t sure on the genre, this is seriously something to check out. Or at least do a double take if you see it in a bookshop somewhere.